The customer has a small sheet style Ultra Filtration membrane plant with four loops; the membrane material is Polysulphone. It is used for concentrating milk fats to produce soft cheeses processing approx.. 50 tonne per day. The Process water is circa 360ppm CaCO3.
The customer wanted to reduce the cost of the clean but more importantly the cleaning time which stood at about 7 hours.
Holchem technical team worked closely with the customer and the membrane manufacturer to simplify the clean removing many steps that were superfluous and technically incorrect. The recommended routine which was trialled successfully followed the following steps:
The cleaning protocol after the initial trial was formalised and training given to the process operatives. The work carried out was well received by the customer; they found that the membrane plant can now be cleaned successfully with the flux holding for longer production runs.
The cleaning regime uses 1/3rd of previous chemical volume and the cleaning time has been reduced from 7 hours to 4 hours.
“With our previous chemical supplier, the ultrafiltration plant clean took about 7 hours and three cycles. With Holchem we can do it in 4 hours and one cycle; which is a massive improvement in cost, in time and for the first time we met the chemical budget.”
Krisztian Nagy, Production Manager, BV Dairy