Our products meet the highest standards of performance, environmental sustainability and cost-in-use when used with the correct chemical dilution and application equipment.
The performance of a detergent relies on the selection of its chemistry to suit the soils encountered.
Cleaning is a combination mechanical, thermal, chemical energies and time. Chemical energy has an large influence on the required inputs from the other three.
Disinfection is an essential means of reducing the number of viable microorganisms on surfaces, devices and the skin.
Chemical disinfectants are defined by their mode of action and can be broadly split into two groups, oxidising and non-oxidising.
This Q&A section addresses some frequently asked questions about a commonly misunderstood topic.
The transfer of pathogenic or food spoilage organisms via the hands is a significant problem in food processing; regular hand washing and sanitising is crucial.
Cleaning and disinfection chemicals are required to be stored, transferred, dosed, applied and rinsed from surfaces.
The range of test kits and inspection equipment is designed to allow a business to simply and reliably monitor cleaning and the result of cleaning.
We are always looking for ways to provide and create new bespoke solutions for our customers.