Legislation and codes of practice dictate that businesses must provide the cleaning instructions for all equipment and surfaces on site, including a system of control to show cleaning has been carried out according to the correct method.
A major element of the required instructions are the cleaning procedures. Gateway is a web based system that provides the customer and ourselves quick access for easy creation and amending of these procedures. This allows users to add photos, cleaning frequencies, strip down procedures, key inspection points, chemicals PPE and cleaning tools. Gateway consists of four parts: HQ, Client, AC and an app, Esignoffs.
The HQ module is where each individual site is created and where essential information together with authorised users are activated. In addition, different
authorisation levels are set up on the system for the client’s users. Global changes to cleaning procedures can also be made on HQ, including updates to chemicals, cleaning equipment, PPE, special precautions, etc.
The Client module is where the detailed information and photos are entered creating each specific cleaning procedure. It is accessed by our Hygiene Technologists to initially create the customer procedures and once the customer has signed them off, they can then take control enabling an authorised site user to manage the system on a day to day basis.
The AC module allows our customers to expand into the effective control of other aspects of their Hygiene Management System. It provides the user with the ability to plan their hygiene programme for a rolling 12 months and digitally record who completed the cleaning tasks.
Additional features, such as ranking each cleaning procedure by importance and complexity, addition of cleaning times and allowing email notifications for periodical cleans is also possible.
Multiple reports can be generated to help analyse all of the collated information and ensure a site’s hygiene function is performing as required.
Gateway AC E-signoffs allows cleaning tasks to be downloaded to one or several tablets, which can then be used to capture the verification of these tasks ‘live’ on the factory floor. Users of the app can digitally sign cleaning tasks as completed and checked, as well as take photos to prove something was cleaned on a date or for non-conformance purposes.
Once all the data has been captured on the factory floor and synchronised with Gateway AC, it can be easily searched for and presented in reports.
This screen shows allows the product, its use rate and contact time and the equipment used for dispense and application to be shown.
All pictograms are available on the system.
The required PPE and other instructions/tools can be added.
For this piece of equipment up to 4 x cleaning methods can be defined.
e.g. Daily, Weekly, 3 Monthly
Key Inspection Points