It can be carried out with a 1-3% disinfectant solution via a compressed air fogging unit. The liquid foggers work by supersaturating the atmosphere with a disinfectant fog. The area they can cover will vary dependent on the fogger. The disinfectant fog in the atmosphere helps to bring down any airborne microorganisms onto the disinfected surfaces.
Several types of mobile fogging units are used throughout the food industry, the following tending to be the most common:
Satellite Drum Top Fogjet - Powered by a compressed air supply, the simple lance fits into a standard 25litre keg and is the most economically priced unit employed for fogging. Output is a constant 0.15 l/min. Particle size is dependent on air pressure and is variable from sub-micron to 100 micron, typically utilised for fogging rooms of volume up to 100-200m³.
Satellite Fogjet Trolley - As with the Drum Top Fogjet, it too is powered by a compressed air supply but has three fogging nozzles. The trolley is completely portable and holds 25 litres of diluted disinfectant solution. Output is a constant 0.50 l/min per nozzle. Particle size is dependent on air pressure and is variable from sub-micron to 100 micron and appropriate for fogging rooms of a volume up to 600m³.
Electric Fog Units - Kersia UK strongly recommend against using these mains powered units unless a full risk assessment has been carried out.
A Built-in-System will typically be used for production areas larger than e.g. 1800m³, where more than three portable fogging units would be required. The disinfectant fog is generated through the system into the local atmosphere by charging the unit with compressed air and forcing the disinfectant solution through the dedicated nozzles at a 1-3% solution.