There are many potential risks that could lead to the spoiling of produce in a potato processing plant and taking the necessary steps to maintain hygiene management systems which negate this risk is critical to the eventual quality of the product.
A potato product production line consists of machinery for the receipt, washing and peeling of raw potatoes, as well as for the slicing, sorting, blanching, frying, cooling and packaging. In addition, a production line also contains equipment for transportation between operations, water and sewage management, supporting structures, service platforms and the processing of waste.
Many types of spoilage and pathogenic microorganisms exist on fresh, minimally processed, and fully processed potato products. The microbiological quality of finished potato products is influenced by the natural microflora, processing, handling, and human contact. The natural microflora of potatoes is influenced by soil and airborne inocula, agricultural practices, harvesting methods, and storage conditions.
Cleaning in a potato processing plant involves the removal of debris from large equipment and areas. Typically, medium pressure washdown systems are used for foam application and rinsing. Soils vary dependant on the process and include starch and mineral deposits in the early stages of processing and carbonised and polymerised oils at and after the frying process.
At Kersia, we have a range of caustic based products for foam and boil out cleaning, which have been specifically designed by our R&D department for the removal of polymerised sunflower oils.