A type flow of meter.
Removal of soil when the equipment is partially or totally disassembled.
Simply refers to whether the control of valves and pumps within the CIP set are manual or controlled via some automated controller (PC, PLC or logic controller).
Is an access way into a vessel.
Medium hygiene (medium care or medium risk) : refers to a process area for products, susceptible to contamination but where the consumer group is not especially sensitive and where also no further growth is possible in the product in the supply chain. Can also be the intermediate area leading into the high hygiene zone but where access is only across certain barriers.
See Washdown Systems
A thin, flexible sheet of material forming a porous partition which may allow the slow transfer of a liquid through it, such as cell-wall of a micro-organism. Also used to describe filtration media.
Deposition and accumulation of feed components on the membrane surface and/or within the pores of the membrane; causes an irreversible flux decline during processing. Relevance to Membrane Filtration.
A strong "P" free organic acid
1 millionth or 10¯6
Micro-organisms that can cause disease/illness in humans and animals. Distinguish from indicator micro-organisms, whose presence indicate a failure of a GHP. The number present is assumed to be related to the probability of contamination of a product with a pathogen.
The ability of material or equipment to prevent the ingress of bacteria, yeasts and moulds from the outside (environment) to the inside (product area).
A metric unit of linear measure. There are 1,000,000 microns in metre.
Microorganisms are living organisms that can be seen only with the aid of a microscope.
A deposit of proteinaceous deposits, calcium caseinate and calcium phosphate.
1 thousandth or 10¯3
Inorganic compounds; such as calcium or magnesium carbonate or sulphate.
Cleaning monitoring is an observation or measurement during the cleaning and disinfection programme that immediately demonstrates that the cleaning programme is in control; for example, a temperature reading, conductivity measurement, observation of freedom of soiling prior to disinfection, or an ATP reading on the completion of the programme to sign-off the adequacy of the programme.
Maximum Residual Level; this has specific relevance to the disinfection of food contact surfaces with QAC based disinfectants. In Europe, disinfectants (biocides) used in the food industry are controlled by a range of legislation but two are key in determining the level of disinfectant that can be taken up by foodstuffs after the disinfectants legitimate use. Regulation(EC) No 396/2005 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 February 2005 on maximum residue levels of pesticides in or on food and feed of plant and animal origin and amending Council Directive 91/414/EEC, governs the use of pesticide residues.
Methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus pathogen resistant to antibiotic methicillin
Material safety data sheets provide information on chemical products that help users of those chemicals to make a risk assessment. They describe the hazards, the chemical presents, and give information on handling, storage and emergency measures in case of accident.