As demand increases for vegan products during this month’s Veganuary we have been working with customers in the food processing sector to ensure that they implement the correct hygiene procedures.
Eighty three per cent of participants in Veganuary 2022, who were not already vegan, said they planned to make the switch to a vegan diet more permanent* so there’s a need for food processors to ensure they have a robust plan in place to use the correct products to process fruit and vegetables thoroughly.
There is demand not to wash vegetables, salads and fruits in chlorinated solutions and in response to that our team advises to use Peroxyacetic acid based disinfectants which are effective against a wide spectrum of micro-organisms, including vegetative and sporing bacteria, moulds, spores, yeasts and viruses. They are suitable for a wide variety of vegetable, salad, and fruit washing operations and are particularly suited to automated dosing systems. It is an equilibrium blend of peroxyacetic acid, hydrogen peroxide and acetic acid, which eventually breaks down to form water and acetic acid.
‘Crystal’, a peracetic acid-based disinfectant, is low foaming and is suitable for a wide variety of vegetable, salad and fruit washing procedures. It’s an effective solution to ensure the highest standards are maintained.
David Childs, Technical Service Manager, Kersia UK, said:
“As demand increases for vegan products, food processors need to ensure they use the correct decontaminating agents to wash process fruit and vegetables. Our teams have extensive experience and knowledge on using the right products to deliver the best results and this includes working with processors to put in place stringent decontamination protocols on site.”
As always please contact a member of our Technical Team to talk in further detail about our range of products.