In readiness for the Natasha’s Law coming into force in October 2021 Holchem is offering virtual L2 Allergen Awareness and L4 Allergen Management training courses that are suitable for the retail, food processing, food service and brewing sectors. Holchem is also offering a Level 2 Allergen Awareness e-learning course.
The law is coming into effect to protect people with allergies and gives them greater confidence in the food they buy. These changes follow the tragic death of Natasha Ednan-Laperouse, the teenager who died after suffering an allergic reaction to a shop bought sandwich which was pre-packed directly for sale. Currently, food prepared on the premises in which it is sold is not required to display allergen information on the label, meaning allergy sufferers often lack confidence consuming food to eat whilst they are out. The new Law changes this.
The courses have been developed by Holchem’s award winning training team and the L2 Allergen Awareness course gives detailed and practical training for Hygiene and Production operatives working in a food processing environment handling and processing products containing allergens. The L4 Allergen Management course gives detailed and practical training for Hygiene Managers and Technical Personnel directly involved in the management of allergens in the food industry. It is recommended that delegates are qualified in CIEH Level 4 Food Safety or equivalent.