Kersia Committed And Different Programme 2024

The Kersia Committed and Different Programme recently welcomed its fourth cohort of changemakers. Amongst them was Susanne Reid, Kersia UK Research and Development Chemist. Along with the rest of the group Susanne recently travelled to Paris to an in-residence seminar at an eco-village to learn about sustainability, environmental impact and enhance changemaking skills. Susanne talks about why she joined the programme and what it means to her: 


“I made the leap and joined the Committed and Different Programme (C&D) after my colleague Sara Blanco, an ambassador from Cohort 2, told me all about her positive experience and really encouraged me to sign up. 


“It was great to meet with the other ambassadors in Paris and build connections. We found that we had lots in common, especially when we were talking about our goals. I can now see how the network of C&D ambassadors has been built within Kersia and I feel more capable of creating change and realising my own potential. 


“So far, we have learnt about changemaking skills and how to put them into practice with lots of examples of real case studies. I've learnt about the existing C&D community within Kersia, how the sandbox process works and how the company can support us through social and environmental initiatives. I would describe the progrrame in two words - connecting, community 


 “I'm looking forward to supporting other ambassadors on their journeys and working with the cohort on some great ideas for some internal projects. For a company to have a positive impact, I think changemaking is essential. It's beneficial to everyone as employees feel fulfilled and happier in their roles and being able to work on projects that really matter is highly rewarding.”