Rajvinder has worked at Kersia for one year and decided to apply for the programme after she became intrigued by how it was described during a business update meeting. Along with her colleagues she took part in last month’s activities near Paris and, as the ambassador programme progresses, Rajvinder and the rest of the team will continue to drive positive change. The main requirement is their commitment to Act for Change, as we are aware of the present and future challenges to achieve Kersia’s ultimate objective of Inventing a Food Safe World.
Commentating on the programme she said:
“It's so different to my day-to-day job. The most inspiring thing about taking part has been all the case studies that have been shared with us. The projects and what has been achieved by engaging with different teams, departments and businesses is amazing. It has opened my eyes to what is possible, that everyone one of us can make an impact no matter how small. It would be amazing to take part and get involved in environmental projects. I’m looking forward to the journey.”