As temperatures outside drop we are working with our customers to ensure that they know how to work with chemicals safely and effectively in adverse weather conditions. Please do not hesitate to contact our team on 01706 222288 if you have specific questions.
If chemicals are stored outside, they can be affected by cold weather such that they become more viscous or may even freeze; for example, some caustic detergents may freeze at + 12°C. Some long cling foams may be damaged if they freeze and ideally such chemicals should be stored above +5°C. If chemicals are stored outside in heated vessels/bulk tanks etc., please ensure that these lagged, heating and pumping systems are inspected/serviced prior to potential cold weather. Please also ensure that chemicals are brought into the factory and acclimatised to factory temperature before use to ensure accurate dosing and dilution. It may also be necessary to change to alternative caustic products during the winter months. If you are unsure of a chemicals performance at low temperatures, please contact your Local Sales Consultant for help.
Snow and ice may cause slip and trip conditions on the paths and roadways leading to factory entrances. Being proactive in avoiding the formation of ice by predicting adverse conditions and applying products that prevent ice formation minimises risk and potential injuries to staff. In the event of heavy snowfall or icy conditions, have snow clearance, slip warning signs/cones and de-icing products readily to hand. For further information on de-icing products please contact your Local Sales Consultant for help.
Always maintain chemical and product stocks to ensure factory and equipment hygiene, particularly if adverse weather conditions are forecast which might affect driving and delivery times.