The Hygiena MicroSnap™ platform bridges the time gap between ATP and bacterial culture results with convenient, 8-hour or less tests for TVC.

MicroSnap™ can be used to test environmental surfaces, product samples, water and other filterable liquids.

The tests consist of an Enrichment Device containing a specific growth medium and a Detection Device containing a bioluminogenic substrate in which the detection reaction is measured within the EnSURE™ Touch luminometer (TEST0175).

In Step 1 (enrichment) the sample is incubated in growth media in order to increase the number of bacteria. As the number of bacteria increase, more of the diagnostic enzymes are created (beta-galactosidase and beta-glucuronidase), which are required for the bioluminogenic reaction. Incubation time of the sample is determined by the level of sensitivity required. After incubation, a small amount of sample is transferred to the Detection Device (TEST0081 for Total).

In Step 2, the Detection Device is activated and incubated for 10 minutes. At this time, a specific substrate reacts with diagnostic enzymes to produce light. Light is measured in the EnSURE Touch unit in seconds. Light output is directly proportional to the initial starting inoculum.

Please note - Step 1 requires a Lab Format incubator (TEST0125)  - sold separately 

The Lab Format incubator (TEST0125) is required for the incubation of samples. The Lab Format incubator requires additional well blocks, and these can be ordered separately in a combination of:

  • 2 x 15 well blocks (TEST0125/01)


  • 1 x15 well block (TEST0125/01) and 1 x 35 well block (TEST0125/02).
£ 0.00
NEW Discounted Price
£ 240.00


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    MicroSNAP Total Manual